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Are you looking to spice up your smoking experience? Gambler Turkish pipe tobacco is a sun-cured blend of Virginia and Turkish tobacco that delivers a spicier flavor while remaining smooth and harsh-free. It’s one of the best Gambler pipe tobacco blends on the market that never fails to impress!

Gambler is one of the oldest and most respected tobacco companies on the market. Smokers worldwide prefer Gambler pipe tobacco because it combines excellent quality with affordability. You can easily save half of your smoking expenses by switching to pipe tobacco from mass-produced cigarettes.

This tobacco is an excellent addition to both pipe smokers and roll-your-own fans. A long-lasting and consistent burn ensures that you can use Gambler pipe tobacco for cigarettes.

Green Caviar Club stocks a wide variety of pipe tobacco blends. Buy Gambler pipe tobacco from our online store for the best prices and swift worldwide shipping!


Manufactured by Republic Tobacco (Gambler’s parent company)
Made in Canada
Blend of Turkish and Virginia tobaccos
Spicy medium-bodied flavor
Suits pipes and cigarette rolling paper

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